To Order =============================================================== Because we offer so many programs, our order form has 2 pages. * THIS PAGE lists our programs and the per-copy cost of each. Please read CATALOG.TXT for a description of each program. * THE NEXT PAGE is the actual order form. - On the next page, fill in the name of each program you're ordering. PLEASE BE CAREFUL here and use the names listed below. If we're not sure which program you're ordering, we may have to return you're order. - If ordering by Visa or MasterCard, fill in the section for credit card orders. BE SURE TO SIGN it. Program Name Per Copy ============================================================== Multi-Print $19 if ordered w/ ANY other program $19/$29 Font Pak "Pro" Programmer's Fonts & Mouse Shapes $49 Font Pak "DOS" Hundreds of DOS text-mode fonts $29 PDT The Pro~Formance Data Tool $139 PDT Tool Kit (FREE when you order PDT!) $39 inform-Z Professional Forms Design/Database $29 Mail Call With MC Express $29 Pro~Scribe & PS Express $29 P~F Presents Professional Version $79 P-Screen Professional $49 " Plus $29 Pro~Stamp Stamp Collection Manager $29 Ram-Man RAM-resident Text File Browser $19 Sparkle AND Menu Magic $29 The Survey Catalyst $395 ================================================================= PACKAGE DISCOUNTS Call about quantity discounts & site licenses. ================================================================= THE WORKS! One of each program (except The Catalyst) $299 Sparkle -AND- P-Screen $49 inform-Z -AND- Mail Call $49 P-Screen Pro -AND- P~F Presents (Pro versions of both) $99 ============================= TO ORDER ============================= For FASTEST delivery of your programs, CALL with a Visa/MC card number. Or e-mail us: Rob-Smetana@Worldnet.Att.Net F __________________________________________ M Rob W. Smetana Pro~Formance R __________________________________________ A T 132 Alpine Terrace San Francisco, CA O __________________________________________ I O 94117 (415) 863-0530 M __________________________________________ L Make checks payable Phone ( ) ______-________ Date ___/___/___ to: Rob W. Smetana ======================================================================= For Visa or MasterCard Orders ======================================================================= Credit Card Number: ________________________________ Expires: ___|___ Signature (Required for credit card orders): __________________________ Be sure your name at the top matches how it appears on your credit card. ============================================================= spk 4.3 = Name of Program or "Package" # of Copies Price/Copy Total ======================================================================= Multi-Print ($19 if ordered /w other pgm) _____ x $19/$29 = $_______ _____________________________________ ________ x ______ = $_______ _____________________________________ ________ x ______ = $_______ ======================================================================= Shipping & Handling: Total Number of Programs (and Copies) ----->> _____@ $4/copy $ ______ =============================+========================================= | Subtotal $ ________ INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: : : | | CA. residents, add 8.5% tax $ _______ * US funds only please. +-----------------------+----------------- * Money order, check drawn a | US bank, or VISA/MasterCard |TOTAL $ ________ =====================================================+================= WHERE did you got your copy of our program? _________________________ This helps us learn the best way to get new programs to you. And feel free to write comments and suggestions on the other side. Thank you.